X-Ray Photograph of the Sun Taken from Skylab

"X-Ray Photo of the Sun. Jan. 21, 1974 155 GMT"
Color photograph (C-print), 1974, taken as part of the Skylab Apollo Telescope Mount experiment, using the S-056 x-ray telescope in Skylab's observatory, with the original descriptive gold label attached lower-right, on glossy photographic paper; some slight rubbing at the sheet edges but otherwise in good condition
Sheet 16 x 20 inches

Estate of Richard Tousey, astronomer, and a senior scientist involved with NASA's solar photography project

Skylab, the United States’s first space station, "served as the greatest solar observatory of its time" [NASA. Skylab Mission Pages, online] providing opportunities for study of the the sun that were not possible with earth-based telescopes. The Apollo Telescope Mount, which took photographs of the sun at various wavelengths, was operated manually by the astronauts who loaded and replaced canisters of film when on spacewalks. The film was then processed and printed when returned to earth, and the intensity of the x-ray photograph color-contoured to show the range of heat.