Mysticism & Theories About Atlantis

"Atlantis At Its Prime", "Atlantis In Its Decadence", "Ruta & Daitya" and "Poseidonis"

Four color-printed maps, 1909, created by William Scott-Elliot for inclusion with his book "The Story of Atlantis. A Geographical, Historical, and Ethnological Sketch", first published in 1896 and in a second, revised edition in 1909 (the 1909 volume accompanies these maps); the sheets less toned, and more evenly colored than they appear in these images
Sheets 15 x 19 inches each

William Scott-Elliot, an English businessman and amateur anthropologist, was a follower of the occult ideas of Helena Blavatsky, a co-founder in 1875 of the Theosophical Society. Madame Blavatsky's ideas of an ancient wisdom religion and "Root Races" inspired Scott-Elliot's theories about Atlantis, as did his acquaintanceship with Charles Leadbetter, a Theosophical Society member who claimed to have received many of his ideas on the history of Atlantis and past cultures through "astral clairvoyance."
These maps are an esoteric, and thorough, mixture of real scientific discoveries in geology, paleontology and evolution combined with the mystical ideas of Theosophy.